A Checklist for Getting Your Helper Started at Work

A Checklist for Getting Your Helper Started at Work

Migrant Domestic Workers (MDW) who are new to UAE will need time to adjust to our way of life. Even if your helper has worked in UAE before, she will need time to understand your expectations of her. Help your FDW fit into your family by showing her care and understanding.

Today, one out of every UAE household employs a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW). With MDWs assisting with household chores and caring for our children and the elderly, more Singaporeans can join the workforce, knowing that our homes are well cared for while we are at work.

As with any employer-employee relationship, both parties must work together to create a harmonious working environment. As an employer, you play an important role in assisting your helper in adjusting to life and also working in UNITED AREB EMIRET.

Getting Your MDW Started =>

By going through the checklist below, you can help your helper get started on the right foot.

No #1 – Job Duties

Make a list of her responsibilities and go over them with her. so Provide a daily or weekly schedule if possible.

No #2 – Safety

Go through household safety procedures with your Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW).

No #3 – Hygiene

Make sure your \u200b\u200bMDW knows what you expect of her, for example =>

Hygiene in the preparation of food and also beverages

Tips to avoid the spread of common illnesses (such as a cold or flu)

The cleanliness of the house

No #4 – Terms and Conditions of Employment

Explain the employment contract’s terms and also conditions, including =>

Salary and also payment method

Days off

Medical benefits

Scope of duties

No #5 – Emergency telephone numbers

In an emergency, your MDW should know where to go for aid. Give her a list of numbers to call in an emergency, such as =>

-Your mobile phone /office number

-Contact numbers of other family members in case of emergency


-Ambulance services

-Fire station

No #6 – First Aid

Your helper should be taught how to handle minor injuries.

Treating minor cuts and also bruises

Using common drugs and medications (for eg, cough syrup, Panadol)

When to call for an ambulance

No #7 – Your Helper\u2019s Legal Obligations

Ensure that your migrant domestic worker (MDW) understands her obligations under the Work Permit Conditions.

 No #8 – About UAE 

Give her an overview of GULF COUNTRY  culture and your lifestyle. For example =>

-Your working hours and daily schedule

-The different races in ARAB 

-Some local customs

-Public transport

-Banking Services

Migrant Domestic Workers (MDW) who are new to UAE  will need time to adjust to our way of life. Even if your helper has worked in UAE before, she will need time to understand your expectations of her. Help your FDW fit into your family by showing her care and understanding.

If you’re thinking about hiring a migrant domestic worker (MDW) but aren’t sure where to begin, contact Swift Maids for a professional consultation on finding a trustworthy helper for your home. MDWs

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